Friday, June 7, 2013

E-Gifted's Solutions to the Summer Reading Slump!!!

Research has clearly shown that children who don't read during the summer can lose up to two years of reading progress and that loss has a cumulative, long-term effect.  We have referenced a list of research conclusions that may help you see the need to maintain strong reading goals for your child throughout the summer. Elementary students need to actively engage in motivating reading experiences such as a Book Blog with professional guidance.

Research shows:
* Students who read over the summer do better in school in the fall.
* Most students experience a two year decline in their reading if they do not continue to read in the summer.
* 8 out of 10 studies indicate that students who read for fun out perform those who do not.
* Students read more when they can choose their own books.
* Reading 5 books over the summer can prevent academic loss.
* Summer reading loss is cumulative. By the end of 6 grade, children who do not read over the summer
are two years behind other children.

5 Ways to Avoid the Summer Slump

1. Create a system of rewards for reading a set amount of books.
Example-Reward your child for every novel read either with money or a special activity they choose 
(movie, hike, or one-on-one time with you).
2. Join the E-Gifted Book Clubs or the Unjournaling Writing group
3. Create a family reading hour everyday before sitting down to watch TV.
4. Graph the minutes that your child reads and increase it by 5 minutes per day. Watch it grow!
5. Join a public library Book Challenge Club. Many libraries have an online tracking system with rewards.

E-Gifted is offering a super deal to combine both reading and writing this summer. Sign up now for our Literacy Bundle! Here is a link to the deal:!summer-book-clubs/c9r3

Research Sources

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